Digitalization, Evolution or Extinction
The Devil is in the Detail
We live in a world where the means of production is global. The scope of bulk distribution by sea and air are critical. What stimulates the global production demand is driven by sales, this is increasingly surging online.
Whereas the pre-Internet age saw retailers with chains of shops and hundreds of department stores with valuable physical footprints as the place to buy, this is becoming a rapidly redundant format. The screen is the shopfront and the final mile for products landing in consumers hands is reliant on couriers.
As proof of the new world, we see clearly the extreme dependence upon the global supply chains who underline the reality that production very often means “elsewhere” in our world. In the years since the rise of the Internet we mostly took such global supply for granted, but current stresses and disruptions have reminded us that we live in a fragile system globally. The good news is that local delivery capacity and processes have never been better. The question is, what can we do to optimize what is under our control to maximize our digital business models?

A Digital Difference
The speed and scope of selling products and services is completely in our own hands. A legacy physical retailer depends on human footfall to sell to. Seasonality, weather and other locality factors are to a great extent, external factors that are very hard to overcome. For the digital business such as a V-tailer you can make it rain sales and you can position your shopfront where conversion of digital traffic yields the strongest gains. Even if you are Harrods in London, or Macy’s New York, if you are counting on a legacy sales business the customers you aim to sell to simply might not be up your street.
Optimizing Digital Localities
Let’s assume that a V-tailer or E-tailer has optimized the click strategy and is landing high quality web traffic. This is due to sites driven by effective SEO or PPC, (Pay per Click). The number one measurable factor for onsite conversion is the bounce rate. In short, how long is the web traffic that the battle to bring prospective consumers actually resulting in staying. This is directly a controllable factor for the V-tailer. These days the technical standards and indeed the science of effective page and content navigation is well advanced. The key is to hook traffic into converted sales and if you fail to do that right you have ultimately failed at the last fence in the digitalization race.

Copy the Best
The digital pure plays have some fantastic examples. Gymshark is a sportswear brand founded by Ben Francis, the company only sell sports clothing online and are now valued at $1 billion. The sales channels for Gymshark are purely digital, more impressive is that this growth was up against the likes of Adidas, Nike and other vast global brands. The digital pureplay model works for everything. Back in the original dotcom boom, from a kitchen table Natalie Massenet created Net-a-Porter, a brand that brings high-end fashion to wealthy consumers. This was unheard-of in the high-ticket fashion sector. Of all the examples we can highlight, the farsighted pioneers such as Natalie Massenet and Ben Francis show us the way to success in the fast-moving progression on digitization.
Getting the V-tail Edge brings a powerful sales channel that can help convert more web traffic into high quality revenue. As we set out in this article, innovation at the digitalization end is a controllable and directly impactful aspect of your business. The one thing that has driven Ecommerce from the start were brave pioneers feared to tread is innovation and an obsession with doing things better. That is really what is introducing into the market. For all the great products that a merchant can bring to market, nothing matters unless conversion takes place and sales are made. We live in a world where so much is beyond our direct control, at least the digitalization space is one where we can maximize our outcomes and grow the bottom line.
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