Virtual shopping during lockdown

Video Calling versus Virus

Imagine the scenario, you are living and working on your own, thousands of miles away from your own country, family, and friends. A rumour is growing about a deadly virus that could be spreading around the world. Governments are bewildered as to what to do, the roomers start to grow and people are starting to panic, they are rushing to buy extra food, medicines, and essentials. Trust in official mainstream media has long since vanished. International phone calls can be expensive, you might be outside of the European Union calling area.

Nevertheless, communication suddenly becomes a constantly important feature of daily life. Nevermore so have you needed and wanted to speak to loved ones, funny ones, and work associates, not only for formal functionality but for human togetherness. That actually happened to the writer of this text and hundreds of millions of other people around the world. More than medicine, when the pandemic struck it was video calling versus the virus.

Video calling takes off

Since the days of Skype who were the first to introduce VoIP, (Voice over Internet Protocol), nascent Apps such as WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, and Signal have mostly been used for text-centric messages and voice calls, but now they are booming with a face-to-face video calling. They live on mobile devices and they are keeping the world connected. Business needs to try to rapidly adjust, groups of people have suddenly been separated from day-to-day life.

Businesses have embraced Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and sent Zoom into the stratosphere as a preferred group video conferencing platform. Just as people say I will Hoover the carpet, they now might say the term, let’s Zoom instead of vacuuming or video calling, the new terms takeover.

Work from home

With masks on, washing hands, and overusing hand sanitizer becomes standard and, in some cases, legally ordered, you see few smiles in the physical world. The notion of going to the office seems almost ridiculous. The thought of spending hours commuting expensively and through throngs of people and traffic jams is becoming an ancient memory. Children are connecting to school lessons on laptops, tablets, and mobiles. It seems everyone is somehow working and living in close proximity.

Beyond local life, everyone is connected by the all-important Wi-Fi connection with the outside world. When people are hungry, they punctuate video calls by ordering food online. When they have time perhaps, they binge on YouTube or Netflix. Everything in-between seems held together by video calls.

Catching the Virus Video

Lockdown unlocked the power of video calling, it spread faster than the viral pandemic. The year 2020 really was defined as the year that started the unstoppable rise of video calling. Although the technology was well-established mass adoption and dependency were really borne in the pandemic. Just as we might have to live with the virus, we seem destined to have made a permeant change in how we live and work and that depends largely on video calls. The location has been relegated in favor of connection.

In context for and its users, just as the virus spread the use of video calling, we are committed to spreading face-to-face shopping, if you’ve got the face, we are the place. We have a thought for you, think just how much faster and simpler business have been done if video sales were live and deployed before January 2020. Would this be another Zoom? We can only live in the future, so let’s spread the advantages together, maybe something good came from the terrible pandemic after all.

Let’s Connect.

Let’s get you up and running for V-tail,, ready to meet you face-to-face, because video channels bring us together.